Тесты по умк спотлайт 10 скачать

Тесты по умк спотлайт 10

Проверочный тест по материалу Модуля 2 УМК Spotlight 10.
10 Form TEST Module 2. 1.Fill in: lend, save, earn, borrow, cost, pays, afford. 1.Ann is always buying things that … a lot and that she can't really … . 2.My Mum often … money to her friend but she hardly ever … her back. 3.I really enjoy my Sunday job, but I don't …very much. 4.He didn't manage to … any of his wages last month. He spent every last penny! 5.Can I … 200 rubles to go to the cafe, Mum?

2.Fill in: text, thank-you,credit,sporting,student,household,start,extreme,pocket,action. 1. … sports 6. …chores. 2. …events 7. …date. 3. …money 8. …message. 3.Put the verbs in brackets into the correct (to)-inf or -ing form. 1.I can't wait …….on holiday.(go)

2.He's not crazy about ….. sport. He prefers quieter activities.(play) 3.She can't stand ….composition. She finds them really difficult.(write) 4.I hate ……football on TV.I think it's so boring!(watch) 5.I'd love ….. and see your new house some time!(come) 4.Form nouns from the words in brackets.

1.You can try a wide … of extreme sports.(select) 2.Tom looked at her in … .(amaze) 3.He showed us his … .(collect) 4.She made a fast … from the injury.(recover) 5.It was an unacceptable … .(suggest) 5.Fill in: at, out, over, off, about, on, up, after, in, of. 1.My Dad took …the company when his father died.

2.Take … your T-shirt so that I can wash it. 3.Do you take …a hobby? 4. I take … my grandmother. 5.I'm not interested … Maths. 6.She is fond … animals. 7.My brother is really keen … basketball. 8.He is crazy … cooking. 9.She is fantastic … singing.

10.We're going to take you … for your birthday! 6.Complete the exchanges. 1.I'm on way to the cinema. Fancy coming along? 2.How about going shopping this afternoon?

3.Would you like to come to the party? 4.Don't you think she's trying hard? 3.to go/playing/writing/watching/to come. 6. I'm really tired./ be great./I really can't./do. Her results are great.

Тесты по умк спотлайт 10
Тесты по умк спотлайт 10
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